
There are hundreds of yoga asanas present today, some is traditional and in their original form, others are modified by great yogis but all in all these asanas provide and serve humans better health and calm mind. You…

Traditional Hatha yoga has the shatkarmas (six processes) to cleanse the mind and body from all the diseases and negative issues. This whole concept of cleansing is also called shuddhi kriya (cleansing process) and that’s what…

Samadhi is the 8th and final limb of ashtaga yoga and means last stage of meditation and after taking Samadhi, the yogi leaves his/her body and depart to the world and can’t be seen through human eyes.
That soul lifts up and become…

Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga
Maharishi Patanjali is the person who is responsible for contributing and popularizing yoga in ancient India but we also can’t forget Shri K. Pattabhai Jois, B. K. S. Iyengar, Swami Kuvalayananda and many more yogis who have…

Therapeutic Yoga
Meaning of Therapeutic yoga
Therapy means ‘treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder’- definition by Google and we don’t have to tell you the meaning of yoga because everybody knows about it but the question is what really is…

What exactly is Pranayama ?
The word pranayama is derived from the Sanskrit words prana + ayama, prana means life force inside every living being which vanishes when a living being dies and ayama means to expand or enlarge, ultimately the…

Vinayasa Yoga courses in India
Vinayasa Yoga courses in India
The term „vinyasa” comes from the ancient language of Sanskrit, the language many linguists believe to have been the mother of all other languages. Vinyasa translates into „to place in a special way”,…

Sivananda Yoga
Sivananda Yoga
Sivanada Yoga is a type of yoga that focuses primarily on getting the body to relax and getting rid of diseases. In short, Sivanada Yoga focuses on making the body healthier. It focuses on five main principles, which are: breathing…

Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a very important type of yoga, because through it, students will learn how to reach that particular state of meditation where your body is completely relaxed, much like it is when you are sleeping, but your mind is…

Chakra Yoga With Mahi
What is Chakra Yoga ? We all know what it yoga, but part of the question remained unanswered and that is what is chakra? Before explaining what Chakra is, first we have to explain where chakras exist.
Every human…

Iyengar Yoga
What is Iyengar Yoga and how do I practice it?
Iyengar Yoga was named so after its founder, B. K. S. Iyengar and it’s a specific type of yoga that puts a lot of emphasis on practicing specific body positions, which are named “asanas”…

Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga – why you should choose it
Yoga has become a difficult subject to talk about in the Western World. After practicing yoga or seeing yoga being practiced on TV, most people think it’s all about stretching and making your body…