
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga – why you should choose it
Yoga has become a difficult subject to talk about in the Western World. After practicing yoga or seeing yoga being practiced on TV, most people think it’s all about stretching and making your body…

Muscular System
Muscular System
Muscles are specialized tissue which causes movement. In our body muscles function for the movement,Protection,Storage of glycogen,Gives shape to the body and Maintains posture.
Types of Muscles
There are three types of…

Nervous System
Nervous System
The nervous system is the body’s prime communication and coordination network which is very vast and complex.
Functions of Nervous System are:
1)To Take and store the knowledge or experience.- through sensation and perception.

Lymphatic System
Lymphatic System
The lymphatic System is the immune system of the body that plays an important part in the body’s defence against diseases.
It works as the defense mechanism of the body.
The lymph nodes,…

Endocrine System
Endocrine System
The Endocrine system is composed of bodies of glandular tissues which uses hormones to controls and coordinates body’s metabolic functions.
All body processes are divided into two-
1) Anabolism - Formation of new cells.

Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
The Cardiovascular system is the circulatory system of the body that transports numerous substances to the cells and removes waste products from them. This cardiovascular system of the body, carries oxygen, nutrients,…

The Respiratory system is the system through which we breathe. The process of respiration is accomplished through thereby breathing in and out.
The Respiratory system is made up of two main components the respiratory tract…

The human body is a single structure that is made up of billions of smaller structures of major kinds.
The basic structural and functional unit of the body is the cell. Each individual cell has a nucleus with different organelles…

Mistreating the Moody and Mother Nature
Mistreating the Moody and Mother Nature
Neglecting one's physical body is also an indication that one's relationship with nature and the feminine is out of balance. We are guilty of the same carelessness with our own physical bodies that…

Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and physiology
Yoga Teacher Training in India anatomy and Physiology Syllabus :
1. Introduction to anatomy and physiology; with general overview to the human body:
The session will include a general idea about the human body about…

Masculine and Feminine System
The masculine and feminine system
We are still holding on to old grievance. Everything that arises from such negativity causes harm. From a certain perspective, this world may be illusory, but we are living on planet Earth, and we are effected…

They reach to the same goal; however, their paths are not only different, but contrary also. So this has to be understood very clearly. The 200 hour yoga teacher training certification program process…