
8 tips to find peace, happiness, and mental health during challenging times
8 tips to find peace, happiness, and mental health during challenging times
Life is no less than a roller-coaster ride which has its own set of ups and down. Life never remains the same and sometimes it overwhelms us by throwing challenges…

Super Normal Powers
Super Normal Powers
Supernormal Powers Come With Birth Or Are Attained Through Herbs, Incantations, Austerities Or Concentration. In our yoga teacher training in India at Mahi Yoga, we have discussed this pure science of yoga. Next week…

Hatha Yoga for Weakened Body Parts
Hatha yoga for weakened body parts
The human body has many layers - annamay kosha, manomaya kosha, pranamaya kosha, vigyanmay kosha and anandamay kosha. We perceive them through our physical body, mental body, energy body, physical and non-physical…

Yoga Addict
Are you a Yoga Addict ?
In case you're perusing this right now, odds are great that you may be a yoga addict. Yoga has improved your life. You've seen your body get longer and more grounded, and you've felt a clearness in your brain. That…

Vastra Dhauti Kriya
Vastra Dhauti Kriya
Dhauti kriya is the second process of shatkarmas and usually means the method of cleaning the whole digestive system. Dhauti kriya is divided in four steps consisting of:-
Antar (internal) dhauti
Danta (teeth) dhauti

Yoga Niyamas
Yoga Niyamas
Niyamas (plural) is derived from Sanskrit meaning ‘positive duties’ or ‘observance’ (according to Wikipedia)
Yoga niyamas are the recommended habits that should be adopted by everyone for healthy life and living. Niyamas…

Samadhi is the 8th and final limb of ashtaga yoga and means last stage of meditation and after taking Samadhi, the yogi leaves his/her body and depart to the world and can’t be seen through human eyes.
That soul lifts up and become…

Iyengar Yoga
What is Iyengar Yoga and how do I practice it?
Iyengar Yoga was named so after its founder, B. K. S. Iyengar and it’s a specific type of yoga that puts a lot of emphasis on practicing specific body positions, which are named “asanas”…

Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga – why you should choose it
Yoga has become a difficult subject to talk about in the Western World. After practicing yoga or seeing yoga being practiced on TV, most people think it’s all about stretching and making your body…

Yoga Teacher Training in India
Yoga Teacher Training in India
Learn Yoga Ashtanga Vinyasa With Yoga Guru Mahi Click on Picture for Slide Show

Mistreating the Moody and Mother Nature
Mistreating the Moody and Mother Nature
Neglecting one's physical body is also an indication that one's relationship with nature and the feminine is out of balance. We are guilty of the same carelessness with our own physical bodies that…