
Is yoga only for women? Here’s a look at the common misconception and best suited yoga poses for men
If we take a closer look at the people following the art of yoga, we find more women yogis than men. Though men are opening up to the idea of yoga, we don’t find many men in the yoga classes. On exploring further, it was found that the reason…

7 effective yoga asanas that will boost your brain power
Out brain is an amazing organ which is capable of doing unimaginable things. Protecting the well-being and sanity of our brain should be the top priority. There are several factors such as stress, lifestyle and diseases that might allow the…

If you thought yoga was only for humans, have a look at the amazing ‘DOGA’ for pet owners!
The pet owners and yoga lovers can now combine their passions together, all thanks to the ‘Doga classes’! Special yoga classes have emerged all across the United States for pet owners and their dogs. These Doga classes combine massages and…

Do you believe that you are far from being creative? Here’s how Yoga can help in unleashing your inner creativity!
We often find ourselves appreciating something beautiful that captivates our vision. A painting, artifact, a soulful poetry or any other form of art like music or dramatics which exudes creativity always fascinates us. Creativity has no confined…

Yoga and Emotions
Yoga and Emotions
Whatever is experienced by the mind is always related to the changes in body. When one is angry, the body develops negative sensations, when happy, the body releases endorphins. Likewise, every feeling that the body feels…

Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation )
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation in English) literally means bowing down to the sun. Sun is considered to be omnipotent and the source of the beings. It is present in everything that we consume or utilize. In…

Chakra Yoga With Mahi
What is Chakra Yoga ? We all know what it yoga, but part of the question remained unanswered and that is what is chakra? Before explaining what Chakra is, first we have to explain where chakras exist.
Every human…