Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga for Weakened Body Parts

 Hatha yoga for weakened body parts The human body has many layers - annamay kosha, manomaya kosha, pranamaya kosha, vigyanmay kosha and anandamay kosha. We perceive them through our physical body, mental body, energy body, physical and non-physical…
Yoga Addict at Mahi Yoga Centre

Yoga Addict

Are you a Yoga Addict ? In case you're perusing this right now, odds are great that you may be a yoga addict. Yoga has improved your life. You've seen your body get longer and more grounded, and you've felt a clearness in your brain. That…
Dreamless sleep

Dreamless Sleep

Dreamless sleep Is the Mental modification produced By condition Of Inertia As The state of Negation (Of waking and dreaming) .10. Since we can remember when we wake up that we had been sleeping , sleep is called a mental modification,as indicated…
kapalbhati Pranayama


 Kapalbhati Some of you must have heard this term and some of you haven’t, so give me the honor to introduce you to this term (ha-ha) Kapabhati is a pranayama (breath control) which is part of the shatkarmas (six processes) in traditional…
Useful Tips for Practice of Meditation

Useful Tips for Practice of Meditation

 Useful Tips for Practice of Meditation Yoga meditation is becoming quite popular nowadays because of various pranayama (breath control) benefits that range from physical health to mostly mental health and assist in making a human healthier…
perform nauli yoga ta mahi yoga


 Nauli Many of you will not be known to this word ‘nauli’ so let me define it to you. Nauli is one of the processes in shatkarmas (six processes) of hatha yoga which focus on cleansing the yoga enthusiasts before letting him/her any knowledge…
Vastra Dhauti Kriya

Vastra Dhauti Kriya

 Vastra Dhauti Kriya Dhauti kriya is the second process of shatkarmas and usually means the method of cleaning the whole digestive system. Dhauti kriya is divided in four steps consisting of:- Antar (internal) dhauti Danta (teeth) dhauti Hrid…
Yoga Asanas


YOGA ASANAS - POSTURES There are hundreds of yoga asanas present today, some is traditional and in their original form, others are modified by great yogis but all in all these asanas provide and serve humans better health and calm mind. You…
Shatkarmas at Mahi Yoga Centre


 Shatkarmas Traditional Hatha yoga has the shatkarmas (six processes) to cleanse the mind and body from all the diseases and negative issues. This whole concept of cleansing is also called shuddhi kriya (cleansing process) and that’s what…
Yoga Niyamas

Yoga Niyamas

Yoga Niyamas Niyamas (plural) is derived from Sanskrit meaning ‘positive duties’ or ‘observance’ (according to Wikipedia) Yoga niyamas are the recommended habits that should be adopted by everyone for healthy life and living. Niyamas…
Samadhi Yoga


Samadhi Samadhi is the 8th and final limb of ashtaga yoga and means last stage of meditation and after taking Samadhi, the yogi leaves his/her body and depart to the world and can’t be seen through human eyes. That soul lifts up and become…
Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga

 Ashtanga Yoga Maharishi Patanjali is the person who is responsible for contributing and popularizing yoga in ancient India but we also can’t forget Shri K. Pattabhai Jois, B. K. S. Iyengar, Swami Kuvalayananda and many more yogis who have…