
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga
Maharishi Patanjali is the person who is responsible for contributing and popularizing yoga in ancient India but we also can’t forget Shri K. Pattabhai Jois, B. K. S. Iyengar, Swami Kuvalayananda and many more yogis who have…

What exactly is Pranayama ?
The word pranayama is derived from the Sanskrit words prana + ayama, prana means life force inside every living being which vanishes when a living being dies and ayama means to expand or enlarge, ultimately the…

Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
What is Kundalini ?
Most of you haven’t even heard or read this word let alone knows the meaning of it, but this word is of grave importance to yogis as they know the importance of Kundalini.
Kundalini is the indistinct…

Iyengar Yoga
What is Iyengar Yoga and how do I practice it?
Iyengar Yoga was named so after its founder, B. K. S. Iyengar and it’s a specific type of yoga that puts a lot of emphasis on practicing specific body positions, which are named “asanas”…
Students Testimonials for Mahi Yoga
YOGA - Connection of Body, Mind & Soul How it helped me... First and foremost the 3 months of classes were really awesome. I learnt many things from here, it completely changed my life, each and every…